>> Petrichor <<
- [P&E]- Rachele
Single Colors or HUD Packs Available
Included BodySuit, Chain Corset & Belt
LaraX | LaraX Petite | Reborn | Kupra | Legacy | Perky | Waifu | Mounds | Bombshell | Bell. Classic | Bell. Curvy
Available at the mainstore
- [P]- Azwenn
Male & Female Rigs
Bindi, Glasses, Earrings, Collar, Armbands
Available at the mainstore
- [P]- Vaera Claws - Female
Kupra, Lara, Belleza , Old Slink, Legacy, Reborn, LaraX, Peach, Belleza GenX
4 Claw Shapes, Modify, Materials
Full HUD Costumization
Individual Nail Changing Options
Materials and Moddability
Available at the mainstore
- VCO ~ JOOMI Hair
- Vae Victis - Aza Empyrea - Cosmic Codex