Palms Cabin is a mostly beach themed cabin but can also be used on a rocky surrounding.
Its a 1 room cabin with a private screen secluded bedroom.
The big patio terras gives you plenty of outdoor livingroom space.
Available at the mainstore and marketplace
PBR & Baked Materials
15 Land Impact
92 Adult Bento Animations
Modify, Copy & No Transfer
It's Not Mine & Lovense Compatible
Available at the mainstore and marketplace
- [Mamere] Surfboard Table set
Stools include exclusive drinking animations
Available at the mainstore
- LB_Queen Palm V1
For those of you who love Palm Trees then you won't be disappointed in this gorgeous tree, it will make a perfect addition to your Little Branch Palm Tree collection.
They come with a long straight trunk, thick dense foliage, and gently animated leaves. This tree would look wonderful among your beaches and tropical landscapes.
Land Impact is 4 but as permissions are Copy & Modify they can be adapted to suit your needs.
Available at the mainstore