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Astralia / Krescendo

Foto do escritor: Priscilla Van HydenPriscilla Van Hyden

- Astralia - Bloom Outdoor Bed (Adult)


W/ Color Options

Mod/ Copy

Available at The Fifty

- [Kres] Goth Float Set

It's available to purchase as a PG or Adult version and includes: Bat Float - Decor only - 2Li Coffin Float - Bento Animated - 5Li and a texture hud The hud gives you a massive amount of customization by changing various parts to mix/match between 18 plain colours and 20 pattern themes. This includes customizing the edge, inside and the valve. The animations are bento and the adult version has Aeros, LoveBridge physics cock and V, as well as It's Not Mine compatibility - including a cleaning menu after getting messy with It's not Mine! The set is copy/mod and has materials enabled.

Available at Kinky Event


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