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  • Foto do escritorPriscilla Van Hyden

♥ Antaya / Loa ♥

- :: ANTAYA :: Coral bra FATPACK


Legacy / Perky / Reborn / Maitreya

Available at Abnormality - Seaborne (Feb 7th - 28th)

- :: ANTAYA :: Scales

:: ANTAYA :: Face scales FATPACK 

- Lelutka EvoX material HUD

- Bom only 

:: ANTAYA :: Body scales FATPACK 

- Legacy material HUD

- Maitreya material HUD

- Bom only

Available at the mainstore

- :: ANTAYA :: Outfit "Misteria"

Bra, Pantiues and Bracelets

With HUD Colors Fatpack

Legacy / Maitreya

Available at the mainstore

- :: ANTAYA :: Shell crown "Syren"

- copy

- mod

Available at the mainstore

- Loa - April Skin ~Lelutka EVO X / VELOUR~ [fantasy.fatpack]

For EVO X heads, compatible with Velour's Halloween skin tones.

Each pack includes 4 skin options (with & without brows, with & without freckles), 3 blushes, HD ears and shape for Avalon.

- Loa - Nora Eyes Pack ~Lelutka/HDPro/OMEGA/Mesh/BOM~

The Nora eyes include Lelutka Evo/Evox applier, Catwa HDPro applier, Omega applier, mesh and BOM eyes. There are 2 packs available -Nature and Gemstones- and can also be purchased as a fatpack.  

Available We Love Role Play - February 4th

- Stealthic - Seduce

- REKT_Deep Sea Mermaid Tropic

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